Cycling vs. Running: Which Is Better? (7 Reasons Cycling Is)

Running may be the most common form of exercise, but is it the best? Here are seven reasons why recycling is better than running for exercise.

Running and cycling are great exercises for fitness, weight loss, and overall health. However, which is ideal for you? Is riding better for general health than running?

This article will compare running and cycling and discuss their advantages and disadvantages to help you decide between running or cycling. So, whether you want to lose weight or get healthier, keep reading to find out which activity is ideal for you!

Cycling is frequently seen as a superior workout to running since it is gentler on the knees and heels. Cycling also helps you use your entire body more effectively, increasing muscular activation. Finally, cycling may be done for longer periods, making it an excellent cardio workout.

Does running burn more calories than cycling?

Not necessarily. Running may appear to burn more calories since it engages more muscle groups. However, they burn the same when the intensity and duration are assessed. For example, Harvard Health says a 155-pound person can expect to burn approximately 288 calories per 30-minute session while running at five mph and cycling at 12 mph.

Cycling vs. Running: which is better? (7 reasons cycling is)running may be the most common form of exercise, but is it the best? Here are seven reasons why recycling is better than running for exercise.
Thumbnail for a blog post cycling vs. Running: which is better? (7 reasons cycling is)

Cycling at a higher intensity will burn more calories. Spin, for example, may burn 369 calories in just 30 minutes. Cycling and running are forms of aerobic exercise that burn calories. Cycling is more aerobic than running since it lasts longer and requires greater oxygen consumption.

Image of two men in a cycling race on a rainy day. Source: run ffwpu, pexels
Image of two men in a cycling race on a rainy day. Source: run ffwpu, pexels
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My favorite bike (at the moment):

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Six reasons why cycling is better than running

Here are six reasons why cycling is better than running for overall health.

1. Cycling is simple to incorporate into oneโ€™s daily routine

A growing number of people prefer to ride to work. Instead of spending time at the gym, you can easily swap your morning commute for cycling. Furthermore, studies show cyclists are more productive, happier, and miss 22 percent fewer days than drivers.

2. Cycling is a low-impact activity

Runnerโ€™s knee, also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome, affects up to 25% of all runners, making it the most prevalent running injury. It is caused by excessive use. Every time you take a step, the impact of your feet hitting the floor sends a signal to your kneecap, pushing it against your thigh bone. This causes knee pain and discomfort.

Cycling is a low-impact activity. Because of this, it puts less stress on your joints. This makes it great for people recovering from an injury or with joint problems like arthritis.

3. Spinning is also cycling

Spin courses are indoor cycling classes. Spin can be done on a stationary bike at home or in the studio. You alternate between high-intensity and low-intensity training, synchronized to music and your workout peers. Spin-on a stationary bike may be for you if you need your workout to be upbeat and encouraging.

4. Cycling uses the same calories as running

Running may appear to burn more calories since it engages more muscle groups. However, they burn the same when the intensity and duration are assessed. According to Harvard Health, a 155-pound person can expect to burn approximately 288 calories per 30-minute session while running at five mph and cycling at 12 mph.

5. Cycling increases muscle mass

Running improves muscular tone, but cycling on a bike improves muscle mass. This is because muscles expand when they are challenged. In addition, the pedals on a bike operate as resistance, which is why youโ€™ll experience a burning sensation in your quads after a hard biking exercise.

Image of men in a running race. Source: run ffwpu, pexels
Image of men in a running race. Source: run ffwpu, pexels

6. Cycling promotes a healthy heart.

Cycling provides numerous cardiovascular health benefits. The heart rate is controlled by sending electrical impulses throughout the heart, which causes the heart muscle to contract and pump blood. Of course, running also does this, but cycling allows you to keep your blood pumping for longer.

7. Cycling is just more fun!

Letโ€™s face it. Cycling is just a lot more fun than running. People dread running. But who dreads cycling? No one, because itโ€™s fun!

How to decide between running or cycling

The answer could be as simple as this: pick the one you like best. Exercising isnโ€™t always about bulking up and burning the most calories. Itโ€™s also critical to find something you enjoy and that is easily available to you. If you have a preference between the two, go with your gut. Both types of exercise can enhance your physical and mental health, so choose the one most encouraging.

Why limit yourself to just one? Instead, consider alternating between running and biking to target different muscle areas throughout the week.

Watch the video โ€œRunning Vs. Cycling | Which Sport Burns More Calories?โ€ from the Global Cycling Network YouTube Channel for even more tips.

A video called โ€œRunning Vs. Cycling | Which Sport Burns More Calories?โ€ from the Global Cycling Network YouTube Channel.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Do you still have questions? Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about cycling and running.

Why is cycling better than running?

Running has been proven advantageous for aerobic fitness, strength training (in general), weight loss and gain, stress relief and improvement, improved breathing and sleep quality, and so on. But itโ€™s all about personal preference.

What does cycling do to your brain?

Cycling can support your brain in the same way that it can help you grow your muscles. Blood flow to the brain increases as it does to the muscles, bringing in more oxygen and nutrients to help it perform better. Riding doubles or triples the production of proteins used to form new brain cells.

Can I replace running with cycling?

Running and cycling are both beneficial for cardiovascular (cardio) health. Aerobic activities help to strengthen your heart, allowing it to pump more oxygen into your child.


Both sports may benefit heart health, but riding a bike has more benefits than running. Because of its moderate impact, it is the perfect alternative for folks who want to exercise but cannot afford high-intensity activities. Depending on your fitness level, you might also want to try interval training or interval sprints while riding your bike. This will ensure that you make the most of each ride!

This article discussed running vs. cycling, some reasons cycling is better than running, and how to decide between running or cycling. Here are some key takeaways:

Key takeaways

  • Running may appear to burn more calories since it engages more muscle groups. However, they burn the same when the intensity and duration are assessed.
  • Cycling is simple to incorporate into oneโ€™s daily routine.
  • Cycling Is Low-Intensity Running is a high-impact sport.
  • Spinning Is Also Cycling.
  • Cycling Uses the Same Calories as Running.
  • Cycling increases muscle mass.
  • Cycling is a lot more fun than running.
  • The answer could be as simple as this: pick the one you like best. Why limit yourself to just one?
  • Both cardio workouts are excellent cardio exercises.
  • Any cardio training will burn calories.
  • Running and cycling are both helpful to cardiovascular health.

So, are you a runner or a cyclist? Did we cover everything you wanted to know? Let us know in the comments section below (we read and reply to every comment). If you found this article helpful, check our full blog for more tips and tricks on fixie and single-speed rides. Thanks for reading, and stay fixed.

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Bradley Knight Image
Written by Bradley Knight, Staff Writer

Hey there! My name is Bradley, and I've been riding fixed for years. I love all the joy and pain that comes with this unique style of cycling and the passionate community that drives it. If you love fixed-gear bikes, this is the place for you.

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Edited by Nick Eggert, Staff Editor

Nick is our staff editor and co-founder. He has a passion for writing, editing, and website development. His expertise lies in shaping content with precision and managing digital spaces with a keen eye for detail.

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