How to Clean and Lube Your Bike Chain (6 Easy Steps)

We all know a clean bike chain looks better. In this article, you will learn what a bike chain is and how to clean a bike chain so it lasts longer.

If youโ€™re like most people, you probably donโ€™t give your bike chain much thought. However, if you want your bike to last longer and function more smoothly, you must clean it regularly. But how do you clean a fixie bike chain?

This article will teach you what a bike chain is, when to clean it, and how to clean it, so it lasts longer.

A degreaser and a brush will be required to clean a bike chain. Fill a spray bottle with a degreaser and spray it on the chain. Remove all the dirt and grease from the chain. Next, brush the chain using the brushโ€™s soft bristles.

What is a bike chain?

A bike chain consists of links, mostly made up of side plates, pins, and rollers. Each link contains two side plates joined together by rivets (also known as pins), and a roller sits on the external linkโ€™s shoulder.

How to clean and lube your bike  chain (6 easy steps)we all know a clean bike chain looks better. In this article, you will learn what a bike chain is and how to clean a bike chain so it lasts longer.
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A joining pin (also known as a โ€œrivetโ€) can be pushed part-way out of a link using a chain tool, then pushed back into the chain around a link from the chainโ€™s other end to make the chain continuous.

My favorite bike (at the moment):

State Bicycle Co. Black Label 6061

Best overall fixed gear bike state bicycle co 6061 black label v2
My favorite bike (at the moment):

State Bicycle Co. Black Label 6061

This is my daily ride, my trusty Black Label Itโ€™s lightweight and beautifully crafted. It looks like a beast and rides like one too. I upgraded the saddle, but everything else is pretty much as it was out of the box. I highly recommend it.

When should you clean your bike chain?

Chains should ideally be thoroughly cleaned after each ride. Unfortunately, few of us have the time to do this, but even a fast wipe with a clean rag may have a significant impact. As for me, I tend to clean my bike chain about once a week. And I donโ€™t even have to remove the chain to do it! I use a cleaner too to clean my chain.

How to clean a bike chain without removing it

Here are six easy seven to clean your bike chain without removing it from the drivetrain.

  1. Scrubb the big chunks of dirt with a brush

    Use a dry brush or wipe to remove any large chunks of dirt or pebbles that might be stuck on the chain. Removing these pieces of dirt first will make the cleaning process easier.

  2. Apply a degreasing agent

    Use a degreaser to cut through the grease and gunk. A degreaser will allow the old grease to come off the chain easily.

  3. Scrub with soapy water and liquid detergent

    To keep your fingers from being cut and damaged, use a clean sponge bathed in liquid detergent or soapy water to scrub the chain.

  4. Clean the chain ring teeth thoroughly

    The chain ringโ€™s sides and in-between gaps should be thoroughly cleaned. The ideal method is to pedal back the chain while tightly wrapping the detergent-soaked sponge around the moving chain.

  5. Rinse off any liquids that have been applied

    Before lubricating your bike, ensure all the cleaning substances have been thoroughly washed away. Degreaser residue will destroy the lubricantโ€™s effect by dissolving it. Use dry and clean clothing to rinse the degreaser off the components completely.

  6. Apply some lubricant

    Now, apply lubricating oil to each chain link. The best method is to keep the dropper pushed to pour oil while gradually turning the chain one or two times. You will want a light coat, emphasis on light! If you have a greasy chain, dirt will easily stick to it the next time you ride.

What are some good degreasers for a bike chain?

One of the most important things you can do for your bike is to remove the grease that accumulates on it. To do this, you will need a degreaser. Below are some of the best bike chain degreasers for cleaning your drivetrain.

  1. Muc-Off Bio Drivetrain Cleaner
  2. WD-40 Specialist Bike Degreaser
  3. Finish Line Speed Bike Degreaser

Any of these degrees in squirrel coffee job done.

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If you want even more tips, watch the โ€œHow To Get A Perfectly Clean Chain โ€“ GCNโ€™s Top Tips For Cleaning Your Drivetrainโ€ video from the Global Cycling Network YouTube Channel.

A video called โ€œHow To Get A Perfectly Clean Chain โ€“ GCNโ€™s Top Tips For Cleaning Your Drivetrainโ€ from the Global Cycling Network YouTube Channel.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Do you still have questions? Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about cleaning bike chains.

How can I make my bike chain last longer?

Proper bicycle chain lubrication not only makes shifting gears easier but also extends the life of the drivetrain.

Should I clean my bike chain after every ride?

A clean bike chain is just as crucial as a well-greased one. Chains should ideally be thoroughly cleaned after each ride. Unfortunately, few of us have the time to do this, but even a fast wipe with a clean rag may have a significant impact.

How do you clean a bike chain without a degreaser?

Dirt and grease are the most important items to remove from your cycle chain to maintain optimum operation. If you donโ€™t have a chain cleaner or degreaser, dish soap or detergent can work as a substitute. Liquid detergents are more effective than bar soaps and can assist you in scrubbing the dirt away.

Can you clean a bike chain with soap and water?

Yes. Hot water mixed with dish soap, a solvent, or a degreaser can be used.

Can you remove a chain to clean it?

Yes. To do so, combine warm water and a few drops of dishwashing liquid, then soak the chain for s few minutes before gently scrubbing the chain. Next, rinse the chain, dry it and apply a light coat of lubrication. Then replace it donโ€™t the bike.

Which bike chain cleaner is best?

The Park Tool CG-2.4 Bicycle Chain and Drivetrain Cleaning Kit comes highly recommended. Pedroโ€™s pig II chain cleaner is the second best.


Your bike chain is one of the essential components of your bike. Regular cleaning of the chain will keep it in top shape and make it safe to ride. So, if you want your bike chain to survive a long time, maintain it properly.

This article covered what a bike chain is when to clean it, and the steps to clean it so the bike chain can last a long time. Here are some key takeaways:

Key takeaways

  • A bike chain comprises a series of links, mostly made up of side plates, pins, and rollers. After each ride, the chains should be thoroughly cleaned.
  • Degreasers help clean a bike chain.
  • The crank on your bicycle is in charge of transferring power to the wheels.
  • The spinning axle, supported by friction-resistant bearings, prevents undue wear and strain on all moving parts.
  • A pressure washer can be used to clean bearings.
  • If you are experiencing shifting troubles, you may need a new chain.

So, did I cover everything you wanted to know? Let me know in the comments section below (I read and reply to every comment). If you found this article helpful, check out my full blog for more tips and tricks about fixed gear bikes. Thanks for reading, and stay fixed.

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Written by Bradley Knight, Staff Writer

Hey there! My name is Bradley, and I've been riding fixed for years. I love all the joy and pain that comes with this unique style of cycling and the passionate community that drives it. If you love fixed-gear bikes, this is the place for you.

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Edited by Nick Eggert, Staff Editor

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