How To Fix Loose Bike Pedals: 4 Easy Steps (With Video Instructions)

In this article, you will learn about bike pedals: why they fall off or come loose, and how to fix bike pedals so you can have a safer ride.

Pedals can fail at any time, and replacing them might be difficult. If they are not working properly, cycling might become challenging, if not dangerous. But how do you fix a loose bike pedal?

In this article, you will learn about bike pedals, why they fall off or come loose, and how to fix loose bike pedals in four easy steps so you can have a safer ride.

First, adjust the pedal position. This can be accomplished by rotating it or moving it up and down on its axle. Then, check for binding or tightness. If it is loose, tighten it with a wrench. If it is still loose, consider removing the pedal and re-attaching it.

What is a bike pedal?

The pedal is the part of a bicycle the rider uses to propel the vehicle with their foot. It connects the cyclistโ€™s foot or shoe to the crank, allowing the leg to turn the bottom bracket spindle and propel the bicycleโ€™s wheels.

How to fix loose bike pedals: 4 easy steps (with video instructions)in this article, you will learn about bike pedals: why they fall off or come loose, and how to fix bike pedals so you can have a safer ride.
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My favorite bike (at the moment):

State Bicycle Co. Black Label 6061

Best overall fixed gear bike state bicycle co 6061 black label v2
My favorite bike (at the moment):

State Bicycle Co. Black Label 6061

This is my daily ride, my trusty Black Label Itโ€™s lightweight and beautifully crafted. It looks like a beast and rides like one too. I upgraded the saddle, but everything else is pretty much as it was out of the box. I highly recommend it.

Why does a bike pedal fall off?

In most cases, your pedals are falling off due to cross-threading damage. Cross-threading causes damaged threads to develop. This occurs when attempting to thread the pedal at an angle.

When installing your pedals, remember that the right pedal is turned counterclockwise to loosen; the left pedal is turned clockwise.

Why does a bike pedal keep coming loose?

One of the most common causes of loose pedals is that they have not been properly tightened. As a result, some pedal systems tend to loosen, particularly those that use a wrench to tighten the pedal onto the axle. If you fail to check and re-tighten your pedals after a ride, it can cause them to loosen until they fall off completely. Also, keep in mind that if you tighten your pedals too much, they may lock up.

Another common cause is hitting something on your bike and damaging the pedal. This frequently occurs when you ride over an obstacle or road hazard, but it can also occur when you pedal too hard. As a result, the pedal will become bent, which may be enough to prevent it from properly seating on the spindle and coming loose after riding.

Image of a wellgo m 12 pedal pixabay
Image of a wellgo brand, m-12 pedal. Pixabay

How to fix loose pedals and prevent them from loosening

Here are four easy steps that you can follow to fix your broken bike pedals.

  1. When riding your bike, check and tighten the pedals frequently

    Tightening your pedals is the most dependable method for ensuring that your pedals remain tight no matter where you ride! However, even with regular tightening, damage can occur. Hereโ€™s how to tell if your pedals need to be tightened again.

    Tighten your bike pedals if you hear a clanking or rattling noise while pedaling. Loose bolts and pedal screws frequently cause this and, if ignored, will lead to more serious problems such as bent parts and broken pedals.

    If one or both of the pedal screws are black, they are rubbing against the inside of your crank and should be tightened. A scraping sound and excessive wear and tear on the screw threads may also be present.

  2. Use the proper wrench for your bike pedals.

    It may seem obvious, but using the wrong wrench is one of the most common reasons people have trouble keeping their bike pedals tight. This can cause your bike pedals to become overtightened or under-tightened, causing them to loosen over time.

  3. Apply Loctite to your bike pedals.

    Use a thin layer of thread locker such as Loctite before tightening your bike pedals if you ride in wet conditions or through rough terrain to help prevent them from coming loose. This will prevent water and mud from rusting or seizing the screws over time.

  4. If youโ€™re having problems, switch to screw-on pedals.

    This may appear obvious, but if re-tightening your pedals do not resolve the issue, you may need to switch to screw-on bike pedals. They are far easier to tighten and offer a more dependable solution for keeping your pedals tight.

  5. If youโ€™re having problems, replace your pedal axles with stronger ones.

    These are more expensive, but they are designed to be lighter than standard metal pedal axles, making them more resistant to wear over time.

    However, as with screw-on pedals, this is only a temporary solution; you will most likely need to replace the pedal axle itself after a while.

    If your pedals are still loose after using Loctite or replacing the pedal axle, itโ€™s time to consult a bike mechanic or contact the manufacturer of your pedals for assistance.


  • Loctite


  • Pedal wrench
  • Needle nose pliers

If you want even more tips, watch the video โ€œHow to Fix a Loose Bike Pedal-Loose Pedal Repairโ€ from the BIKEHUN YouTube Channel.

A video โ€œHow to Fix a Loose Bike Pedal-Loose Pedal Repairโ€ from the BIKEHUN YouTube Channel.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Do you still have questions? Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about fixing bike pedals.

How do you fix a pedal that comes off a bike?

You can tighten it using a pedal wrench, but remember that the left pedal is left-hand threaded. Thus, it will be the opposite of what you are used to. To tighten it, turn the screw counterclockwise.

Why wonโ€™t my bike pedals turn?

If a bicycleโ€™s pedals wonโ€™t turn, itโ€™s most likely because the pedals are screwed on too tightly. Another reason might be that the pedals are too worn to function correctly. Fixing this issue usually entails replacing the pedals. However, it is possible that the gears just require oiling or cleaning.

What makes bikes harder to pedal?

A bike is difficult to pedal because it is in the wrong gear for the terrain or because there is too much friction. Riding becomes easier when you change to a smaller gear or reduce friction. Friction can be caused by brake pads that rub against the rim or disc. Deflated tires will also make it very difficult to pedal.

Does bike pedal weight matter?

A lighter set of pedals will allow your bike to travel faster. In addition, riding a lighter bike requires less energy than riding a heavier one. However, because the weight difference between pedals is so small, the benefits of weight reduction are minimal. Pedals typically weigh between 200g and 400g.


While riding with increased intensity and speed, your bike pedal may fall off. Donโ€™t panic if your bike pedals stop operating properly; take it easy. The procedures outlined above will assist you in quickly repairing your pedal. Getting solutions from certified experts can also help ensure that your bike pedal is back in working order!

This article covered how bike pedals fall off or come loose and how to fix loose pedals. Here are some key takeaways:

Key takeaways

  • When installing your pedals, the right pedal is turned counterclockwise to loosen; the left is turned clockwise. This is because the pedal turns differently from turning a wrench.
  • The pedal thread must be removed on new pedals as that is how they will fit into the pedal hole.
  • Grease can prevent rusting and corrosion of the threads inside the pedal holes.
  • The bike pedal is measured from the middle of the pedal to the crank arm.

So did we cover everything you wanted to know? Let us know in the comments section below (we read and reply to every comment). If you found this article helpful, check out our full blog for more tips and tricks on maintaining a fixed-gear bike. Thanks for reading, and stay fixed.

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Written by Bradley Knight, Staff Writer

Hey there! My name is Bradley, and I've been riding fixed for years. I love all the joy and pain that comes with this unique style of cycling and the passionate community that drives it. If you love fixed-gear bikes, this is the place for you.

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Edited by Nick Eggert, Staff Editor

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